Interview preparation checklist:

Before the day

  1. Location recce with test footage, lighting test and sound test 
  2. Complete script with a well-structured narrative (how you tell the story)
  3. Prepare the interviewee, discussed what you are doing and ensured they have enough time)
  4. Checked all your equipment works and is charged as well as clear enough space on device (or sufficient back up)

On the day

  1. Set up before you call your subject
  2. Be patent and take your time - ensure framing, lighting and sound is right before you start
  3. Put your subject at ease
  4. Ensure you follow your script and take notes to ensure you have got everything you need 
  5. Don’t be afraid to ask the same question twice
  6. Take a break if your subject needs it
  7. Shoot cutaways of your subject while they are still there (close-ups of hands or long shots)
  8. Shoot other cutaways of the room or location
